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Vacancy rates in Sydney lowest in 5 years; growth prospects slim

Sydney’s vacancy rates are at a five-year high, according to the latest REINSW data, with reports that the city is also facing the smallest house price growth in the country.

Rental growth outpacing home price growth

According to a new CoreLogic report, rental rates are on the rise and surpassing the rate of housing price growth.

LATEST PODCAST: Foreign investment, innovation and a $5m fine

The Mortgage Business Uncut podcast is your weekly analysis of the biggest themes shaping the Australian mortgages market.

LATEST PODCAST:  Foreign investment, innovation and a $5m fine
Digital and innovation biggest worry for business leaders

A fresh report from KPMG has found that while disruptive pressure on Australian business has increased, the real innovation challenge is a cultural one.

Will global growth ‘peak’ in 2018?

Fixed income giant Pimco says that there are a number of reasons to believe that the third-longest economic expansion in history could “peak” in 2018.

Negative housing growth expected in 2018

According to CoreLogic’s chief of research, Tim Lawless, housing market conditions will continue to slow in response to regulatory changes.

HSBC on economic growth since the GFC

HSBC’s chief global economist, Janet Henry, considers what the economic landscape looks like a decade after the global financial crisis.

Improve your blog in 2018 with 12 simple writing tips

Feel like you didn't quite nail your content marketing in 2017? David Barbeler from 99content.co suggests 12 tips to help attract a larger audience in 2018.

David Barbeler, writing tips, simple tips, improve your blog
Financial services sector outpaces economic growth

The financial services industry grew by 4.5 per cent in FY17, outperforming the growth of Australia’s overall economy, according to the Australian Financial Markets Association.

ANZ appoints US innovation heavyweight

ANZ has announced the appointment of Ron Spector as the managing director of new business, emerging technology and ventures.

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What are the main barriers to securing a mortgage at the moment?